Friday, August 13, 2010



Do Americans need to find a new way to agree and disagree on politics? Are Americans bipartisan ways not the right way to handle things? I totally agree with Jeremy when he says this bipartisan way is slowly tearing our country apart. Our country is guaranteed to continue quaralling until we find a different way to handle things. I agree with Jeremy that it might be farfetched to limit the amount that people disagree with eachother. Impossible is nothing though. Where there is a will, there is a way. I truely believe this. For example, people love to hate there rival party just for the fact that it is not there ideal party. Most people do not even look into all the facts before judging the "enemy". Our country is full of judgemental peopl. I feel as if Americans did not prejudge so much it would limit the amount people disagree with each other. So maybe it isn't so farfetched after all??? I agree with Jeremy when he suggests to destroy the two party system. This would be a great idea. This would help with prejudgement. It would help with the blame game. People woul not just point fingers and blame the other party. Americans would look at the facts before deciding their opinions. When I read Jeremeys artical, it made me think of the famous quote, " think before you speak." Americas is full of people that speak before they think. I will admit I am one of these people. This quote goes perfectly with bipartisanism. If people thought first, maybe there wouldn't there wouldn't be so much disagreement.I agree with all of Jeremys views. I also do not know how our government could get through politcis with bipartisanship. It would be tough, but possible.

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