Friday, August 13, 2010

Blog #5 US Government Issue

Should marijuana be legalized? I believe this is an obvious answer. I feel like this one legalization would help our country get out of debt, open up jobs, and reduce the crime rate. For example, there is a lot of crime involving people that sell marijuana. There are many deaths and injuries related to scuffles over marijuana. This happens because bad, vicious people are handling this marijuana. If cannibas was legalized people could work at a store selling it so it would not be looked on as a bad thing. People would not go to drug dealers where something bad could happen(aka death or crime). legalizing marijuana would open up stores and give many Americans jobs. This would also be a highly sold product, so it would help out our government economically.
By the way, cannabis is not a drug. It is a plant. And it shoul not be illegal. It does not have any damaging affects like all the other real drugs. Drugs like alcohol and tobacco are legal, but worse for you than marijuana. Makes sense, right?
The re-legalization of cannabis has almost nothing to do with a common marijuana, and almost everything to do with freedom and liberty. Everyday peoples rights are getting taken away. Our government is trying to make us in to robots, controlling every movement we make. This is not right! Our so-called freedom is not given to us anymore. I agree that our country is way better off then most, but it is getting worse and worse.
If both Democrats and Republicans are opposed to large national deficits, why do we have them? If our "great" country keeps on doing what it has been doing, we’re going to keep on getting what we’ve been getting. Hint: vote Libertarian. I believe everything else has failed, so I suggest we try the government we have, but never use! God’s will for people to live in freedom with liberty is always preached, but never happens.

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