Wednesday, July 21, 2010

#3 What has Obama done so far?

National Review:

After reading this article, I realized how much President Obama is like EX president George W. Bush. Obama's main goal was to maintain proper change, but all he has done is put our American government in more shambles. I fully agree with what this article is about. Deroy Murdock reaches out to any age that is interested in politics, and interested in how Obama is going about "running" our government. I can only critique him in a good way. Murdock explains all the proof how Obama runs away when bad things happen. He also explains how everytime Obama promises something he tends to overdo it, then he never backs up what he says.
To some it up, Deroy explains how the Obama administration has tacked over a trillion dollars in debt with one swipe of the pen. Obama hasn't stabalized this economy like he said he would by signing his expensive bill(a la more debt). Like Mr. Murdock and plenty of other Americans, we thought that by now our government would be ran more smoothly, but instead we are being hit with bad events after bad events. I agree with Deroy when he says that Obama waste his time on taking family vacations and going oversees to celebrate pointless events. For example, he went on vacation while the oil spill was happening. A good, honest president would of stuck by our side, and tried his 110% hardest to make everything right.
Deroy, I, and many other Americans are tired of the ultraliberal Obama administration of showing us they are all talk, and no walk. The proof is in the pudding. Why have an idecisive president? I cannot wait till election year.

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