I have no doubt that you are completely right about how Obama is treating our government. The only reason he got elected into office is because Americans wanted "change." Wow did we ever get a change. A change from Bush holding up on half of his promises, to Obama holding up to thin to zero of his promises. The only reason he got elected besides the "change" we wanted, is because he is a very intelligent person. Yes he is very smart, but NO Obama is not a smart leader. He is very arrogant when it comes to running a government(the most important job in our nation). Over and over he promises this, promises that. Most of the time it doesn't work out. Just like this post that I agree with, Obama has screwed up the whole war effort. He has promised to "eventually" bring home the troops, yet he keeps sending more and more. So basically he is going to send more and more till he is voted out of office? I also agree how Obama is going to mess up our health care by screwing over the middle and upper-class. Why tax these certain claasses when they work hard for there money. Anything is possible, the lower classes have the ability to work hard and become the middle class. Helping out the lazy is not very smart! It is just going to make them lazier and more deceitful. Another reason that I am disgusted that Obama got elected is that African Americans voted more than they ever have before. I am not racist at all, but how ironic is this? I wonder if Hilary Clinton would of gotten the same support as Obama if she one primary? I am guessing the person that posted this blog gave Obama a chance in the beginning. Why not, he is our leader right? I also gave him a chance, but once he started lying and deceiving our gvernment it was over for me. He never stands up for his mistakes, he just promises more future lies. This is terrible. I pray Obama does not get reelected!!
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