Friday, August 13, 2010

BLOG # 4 critique of article

Everytime I turn on the news they are talking about Steven Slater. "Steve Slater is a hero." "What Steve Slater did was right." All I can say is wow. I cannot believe people in our country believe he is a hero. This is just ridiculous. I am very happy I came across this story. The author, Rich Lowry make perfect sense to what Steven Slater really is.
Rich Lowry does not believe Slater is a hero, he interprets Slater as an amusing moron. Lowry thinks what Slater did was stupid, but amusing. I could not agree anymore. I feel like everything Rich Lowry is funny, but true. Everything that Steve Slater did was funny, not heroic. From beginning to end, Slater makes himself look like an arrogant fool. He did all this acting just to prove his point and let out steam? Lowry believes this moronic act was not worth a good paying job. He also feels that Slater should of kept his cool, not matter what the lady did.
Flight attendants and every other professional job should be taught to keep calm and cool under stress. What Slater did was the opposite. Just like Lowry, I cannot believe people are praising Steve for this beer stealing, emergency exit outrage. Just a few minutes after this tyrade happened, media was naming Slater a hero. WHY? Maybe because he stood up for his pride? Maybe because Americans are arrogant, and do not know how to keep cool? Maybe because Americans think it is "cool" Slater went crazy and stood up to being heckled? I feel like these reason are terrible ones.
Americans should agree with Lowry, not the media. Americans should feel like we should show respect, even when respect isn't deserved. Our country is never going to be a calm and nice place with people tyrading all over the place. I agree with everything Lowry is saying. Steve Slater is arrogant and amusing, not heroic and a good person!

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