Friday, August 13, 2010



Do Americans need to find a new way to agree and disagree on politics? Are Americans bipartisan ways not the right way to handle things? I totally agree with Jeremy when he says this bipartisan way is slowly tearing our country apart. Our country is guaranteed to continue quaralling until we find a different way to handle things. I agree with Jeremy that it might be farfetched to limit the amount that people disagree with eachother. Impossible is nothing though. Where there is a will, there is a way. I truely believe this. For example, people love to hate there rival party just for the fact that it is not there ideal party. Most people do not even look into all the facts before judging the "enemy". Our country is full of judgemental peopl. I feel as if Americans did not prejudge so much it would limit the amount people disagree with each other. So maybe it isn't so farfetched after all??? I agree with Jeremy when he suggests to destroy the two party system. This would be a great idea. This would help with prejudgement. It would help with the blame game. People woul not just point fingers and blame the other party. Americans would look at the facts before deciding their opinions. When I read Jeremeys artical, it made me think of the famous quote, " think before you speak." Americas is full of people that speak before they think. I will admit I am one of these people. This quote goes perfectly with bipartisanism. If people thought first, maybe there wouldn't there wouldn't be so much disagreement.I agree with all of Jeremys views. I also do not know how our government could get through politcis with bipartisanship. It would be tough, but possible.

Blog #5 US Government Issue

Should marijuana be legalized? I believe this is an obvious answer. I feel like this one legalization would help our country get out of debt, open up jobs, and reduce the crime rate. For example, there is a lot of crime involving people that sell marijuana. There are many deaths and injuries related to scuffles over marijuana. This happens because bad, vicious people are handling this marijuana. If cannibas was legalized people could work at a store selling it so it would not be looked on as a bad thing. People would not go to drug dealers where something bad could happen(aka death or crime). legalizing marijuana would open up stores and give many Americans jobs. This would also be a highly sold product, so it would help out our government economically.
By the way, cannabis is not a drug. It is a plant. And it shoul not be illegal. It does not have any damaging affects like all the other real drugs. Drugs like alcohol and tobacco are legal, but worse for you than marijuana. Makes sense, right?
The re-legalization of cannabis has almost nothing to do with a common marijuana, and almost everything to do with freedom and liberty. Everyday peoples rights are getting taken away. Our government is trying to make us in to robots, controlling every movement we make. This is not right! Our so-called freedom is not given to us anymore. I agree that our country is way better off then most, but it is getting worse and worse.
If both Democrats and Republicans are opposed to large national deficits, why do we have them? If our "great" country keeps on doing what it has been doing, we’re going to keep on getting what we’ve been getting. Hint: vote Libertarian. I believe everything else has failed, so I suggest we try the government we have, but never use! God’s will for people to live in freedom with liberty is always preached, but never happens.

BLOG # 4 critique of article

Everytime I turn on the news they are talking about Steven Slater. "Steve Slater is a hero." "What Steve Slater did was right." All I can say is wow. I cannot believe people in our country believe he is a hero. This is just ridiculous. I am very happy I came across this story. The author, Rich Lowry make perfect sense to what Steven Slater really is.
Rich Lowry does not believe Slater is a hero, he interprets Slater as an amusing moron. Lowry thinks what Slater did was stupid, but amusing. I could not agree anymore. I feel like everything Rich Lowry is funny, but true. Everything that Steve Slater did was funny, not heroic. From beginning to end, Slater makes himself look like an arrogant fool. He did all this acting just to prove his point and let out steam? Lowry believes this moronic act was not worth a good paying job. He also feels that Slater should of kept his cool, not matter what the lady did.
Flight attendants and every other professional job should be taught to keep calm and cool under stress. What Slater did was the opposite. Just like Lowry, I cannot believe people are praising Steve for this beer stealing, emergency exit outrage. Just a few minutes after this tyrade happened, media was naming Slater a hero. WHY? Maybe because he stood up for his pride? Maybe because Americans are arrogant, and do not know how to keep cool? Maybe because Americans think it is "cool" Slater went crazy and stood up to being heckled? I feel like these reason are terrible ones.
Americans should agree with Lowry, not the media. Americans should feel like we should show respect, even when respect isn't deserved. Our country is never going to be a calm and nice place with people tyrading all over the place. I agree with everything Lowry is saying. Steve Slater is arrogant and amusing, not heroic and a good person!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BLOG #7 Is the US government corrupt?

Forms of corruption include bribery, extortion, embezzlement, and plenty more. Corruption helps with criminal mischief, including drug cartel, money scams, and many other crimes. These crimes are terrible. These crimes are bringing down our country. The weird thing about it though, these crimes start with our own government. The so called "government" that is suppose to be protecting us. My answer is yes, I do think our government is corrupted. I think our government is doing more harm than good.
Our governments biggest downfall is promising all these certain things, but never holding up there side of the bargain. To me, this is corruption. For example, Obama has promised to win the war, but he keeps sending more and more troops across sea. Are we ever going to win the war? Are we going to spare many thousands lives to win this war? Another example is the health care bill. I feel like this bill should not happen. This new bill is going to give all the power to the strongest people, and screw over the ones that work hard for there money, but do not make much. If/when the health care bill is approved the wealthy are going to get there care first, and it is going to make the impoverished ones wait in line
I feel as our government officials worry about themselves, and do not worry about our citizens enough. The US government recently sued over the new Arizona law. Why? This law is just taking the illegals out of our country. This will help with the drug cartel and any other crime that is going on. The only bad thing about this new law in Arizona is that corrupt law enforcement is going to racial profile. They are going to step over innocent people.
I am tired of all the promises that we get by our government. If they held on to there promises, our country would be succeeding. Instead we are going into more and more debt, with no one doing anything about it. It is weird how people higher up in the chain(professional athletes, movie stars, government officials) get way less punishment than the normal citizen. For example, recently an NFL player got 34 days in jail for killing someone while driving. Really 34 days? Any other normal person what of gotten manslaughter, and sentenced to plenty of years in prison. These events happen all the time. This just proves to me that the government has there own back, but not the "average" citizens back. Yes, the US government is corrupt!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BLOG #6 constructive criticism

I have no doubt that you are completely right about how Obama is treating our government. The only reason he got elected into office is because Americans wanted "change." Wow did we ever get a change. A change from Bush holding up on half of his promises, to Obama holding up to thin to zero of his promises. The only reason he got elected besides the "change" we wanted, is because he is a very intelligent person. Yes he is very smart, but NO Obama is not a smart leader. He is very arrogant when it comes to running a government(the most important job in our nation). Over and over he promises this, promises that. Most of the time it doesn't work out. Just like this post that I agree with, Obama has screwed up the whole war effort. He has promised to "eventually" bring home the troops, yet he keeps sending more and more. So basically he is going to send more and more till he is voted out of office? I also agree how Obama is going to mess up our health care by screwing over the middle and upper-class. Why tax these certain claasses when they work hard for there money. Anything is possible, the lower classes have the ability to work hard and become the middle class. Helping out the lazy is not very smart! It is just going to make them lazier and more deceitful. Another reason that I am disgusted that Obama got elected is that African Americans voted more than they ever have before. I am not racist at all, but how ironic is this? I wonder if Hilary Clinton would of gotten the same support as Obama if she one primary? I am guessing the person that posted this blog gave Obama a chance in the beginning. Why not, he is our leader right? I also gave him a chance, but once he started lying and deceiving our gvernment it was over for me. He never stands up for his mistakes, he just promises more future lies. This is terrible. I pray Obama does not get reelected!!